Embarked on a journey since 1995, OBS Packaging is a renowned manufacturer with over 20 years of experience in the business of Adhesive Tapes and Packaging Materials. We currently distribute and supply our premium performance solutions to diverse industries, working closely with our distributors and wholesalers worldwide. In order to position ourselves as one of the leading players around the globe, we are committed in providing nothing but the best products at their true value to our global partners. This is strongly proven from being the preferred OEM partner of over 100 brands worldwide, and we are striving towards an increase of 5% every year to come. We are #yourpartnerinadhesivetape; committed in providing nothing lesser than the highest level of product quality and customer service, assuring 100% satisfaction.
Masking Tape | Duct Tape | Packaging Tape | Packaging Products


Our Vision
To provide a ‘sticky’ solution for the daily lives of all.
Our Mission
To provide authentic professionalism in the products we offer.
Our Global Presence
Masking Tape
Our Certificates